Course Catalog
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Course CatalogCourse Catalog

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  • Courses (3)

CHLD 2015 - Child Abuse and Neglect: Recognition And Reporting

Under Virginia law, teachers and child care providers are mandated to report child abuse and neglect. Participants will learn to identify indicators in young children and ways to elicit from the child what occurred that makes this a reportable incident. The child protective services response process will be discussed. Trainees will learn strategies for dealing with these suspected child victims and their families.

CHLD 2016 - Health Screening for Child Care Professionals

This course satisfies requirements for the daily health observation training required in the Standards for Licensed Child Day Centers - 8VAC20-780-245.K.1-5 and required in the Subsidy Program Vendor Requirements for Child Day Centers - 8VAC20-790-600.I.1-5.

CHLD2016-Spanish - Exámenes de salud para profesionales del cuidado infantil

Este curso cumple con los requisitos para la capacitación diaria de observación de la salud requerida en los Estándares para Centros de Día para Niños con Licencia - 8VAC20-780-245. K.1-5 y requerido en los requisitos del proveedor del programa de subsidios para centros de día para niños - 8VAC20-790-600. I.1-5.
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